
Showing posts from May, 2019

What's to Come

Recently, I had a pretty big medical exam called an antroduodenal monometry study. The test showed us the function of different parts of my digestive tract. It was a pretty awful, lengthy test, but I won't go into much detail. All that's important is that the test revealed that the section of my duodenum that was damaged has not recovered. My duodenum suffered for over a year, and it just hasn't been able to regain its full function yet. We are hoping that with time it'll heal and start working as it should, but if this doesn't happen then I might need to have another surgery. We are praying that another surgery isn't necessary, but if it is we will find a way to get through it. We didn't get the results that we had hoped for, but it is what it is. I guess the real question is what is my life going to look like until things are normal again? It's a pretty hard question. Currently I am able to get around 1000 calories by mouth which is an ACTUAL mirac