I know I haven't written in a while, I've been super busy with summer, traveling, etc. I wanted to write a post more specifically to people going through a rough time. And if you fall into that category, know that there will be bad days and there will be better days. We are all going through something in one way or another. Some may be overwhelmed with school, studying, work. Some may be fighting a battle that they just can't seem to overcome. Some may be mourning a loss. We all know what it's like to have days that are never-ending. But in the end, even if the days are tough, long, and sad, try and focus on the good stuff. Being chronically sick sucks. There's really no way to sugarcoat it. There are moments where all you want to do is scream and yell, "why me?" Sometimes all you want to do is give up. I know I had moments like these. Moments where it felt like I would never be able to eat again. But despite the trials and obstacles I faced, I kep...