
Showing posts from January, 2020

781 Days

I know that I haven't written on here in a while, but I finally had the energy to write a little about my life at the moment. Every day since December of 2017 I have fought and fought to get better. There hasn't been a day that I haven't worked to make progress - even when the odds weren't exactly in my favor. I thought that when I had surgery January 31st of 2019 that I was finally going to kick this whole sickness thing to the curb - but sadly, I am still continuing to fight through this long journey that so many of you have helped me through. In the past few months I have been trying SO hard to prove to my docs that I can get my feeding tube taken out. We put the tube feeds on pause starting in August 2019, and I haven't been using it at all since then. I've been working tirelessly to try and get enough calories to maintain my weight. I can only do small amounts every four-ish hours with lots of dietary restrictions, but I've been working so hard arou