One Bite at a Time
It's taken me a some time to write this entry. I've been really worn out - but I guess that comes with recovery. Here's a little update on what has happened since I last wrote. First of all, the surgery was successful! Everything is structurally okay, but the challenge that we are trying to overcome currently is the function of my digestive system. It has been so long since my GI tract has actually been able to function in the right way (because things were so structurally wrong with it before surgery), so we are trying to figure some of this stuff out. Four or five days after surgery, I began throwing up again. This might be TMI so skip ahead of this paragraph if you don't want to read it. We discovered that there were 2 liters of BILE being dumped into my stomach when I began to violently throw up. It was terrible. AND if you don't know, there isn't supposed to be ANY bile in the stomach - especially NOT 2 entire liters of it. Bile is supposed t...