Recovery Sucks

Recovery sucks. It's painfully slow and feels like it's never going to end. But it will. It seems like every time I make progress, there seems to be some new problem that pops up. Like even yesterday: I got my epidural out (which has been numbing my pain since surgery) and I've been handing it pretty well! I'm definitely sore and I feel dull pains all through my insides but I've been able to fight through that. I can handle a little pain here and there. But then when i thought THAT was the worst of it, I began violently throwing up bile - for what seemed like hours. Thankfully, I have a GJ tube that allows me to drain my stomach so I don't have to throw it all up, but it isn't fun. This morning alone I've drained 1500 mLs (1.5 Liters) of bile. That's a whole lot of bile - & it isn't even supposed to be going into my stomach!!! And then my IVs. Oh boy. Those things suck. And for whatever reason my body just can't seem to keep them. You...