The Big Day

Surgery is tomorrow and I've been thinking about it a lot. I hate playing the "What If" game, but I keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong. I am scared, but I also know that I am in the best possible hands. I have an amazing surgeon and a wonderful team of doctors looking out for me. Yes, I am nervous, but I also know that this is for the better. Recovery isn't going to be easy, but I'm prepared for that. As Hayden (my older brother) always says, "pain is only temporary." That's kind of how I am looking at it; none of this is permanent. The pain, the feeding tube, the inability to eat; all of it is temporary. It's time for me to get better. It's been a long road, and I'm so ready to get closer to the finish line.


  1. LewLew, you have so got this, sweet girl. I cannot wait to hear the positive news tomorrow after your surgery. Sleep well tonight and know the "world " (your world) is pulling for you.
    Sending much love, hugs and prayers to Winston.


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