
Hospitals. Something I've become so familiar with in the past 2.5 years. Between having countless tests, MRIs, CTs, tube replacements, hospitalizations, and two major surgeries, I'd say I'm pretty used to it. But, despite being so accustomed to hospitals, it's still scary for me every time I'm told that I have to go back.

As you might've read in my last post, I was recently told that I have something called neurogenic Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome, otherwise known as MALS (Click here to read more about it). Basically, one of my arteries is being compressed and has been causing the agonizing pain, discomfort, and nausea that I feel every single time I eat or drink. It is likely that I had both MALS and SMAS at the same time - but with my last two surgeries, we were only aware of and treating my SMAS. MALS is the leading cause of my inability to progress and get back to normal. The pain it can cause is truly debilitating but I try my best to smile through it.

In my last blog post, I talked briefly about how we were going to be meeting with my doctors to determine what's next. After conferring and discussing with my doctors all week long, my parents and I have decided that the next step we will be taking is going to be open surgery.

This upcoming week, I will going to Wake Forest Baptist Hospital to have a surgery that will hopefully get rid of my MALS. It will be my 9th hospitalization in the last 2 years, and I'm still very nervous. Hospitals SUCK. There's really no way to sugar coat it. Being connected to machines 24/7, confined to a tiny room with a horrible view, all while constantly being awakened by nurses taking vitals. And then being away from my friends, family, and most importantly, my dogs. YA, safe to say that being in the hospital is not ideal. BUT at the same time it is also the only place where I have a chance of getting better. A place where I get to have around the clock care and a team of doctors constantly checking in. Sure, being in the hospital is horrible, but it is going to help me get better, and that's something to celebrate. When I enter WFBH on Monday, I'll try and keep that in mind.

Being hospitalized is scary by itself, but having to have another major surgery on top of that is definitely nerve racking (no pun intended). Who knows what could happen in the O.R.! There could be complications, I could end up in a ton of pain, the surgery could create other issues, etc... But, I am ready, because 1) I have full trust in Dr. Petty, Dr Herrera and my other doctors and I know that they are going to get me better & 2) I have been sick since 2017, and I am so freaking ready to get on with my life. I'm ready to be able to go out to dinner with my friends/family and enjoy eating - without any pan, discomfort, nausea. I'm ready to be able to run and exercise again without any pain. I am ready to be strong and energized. I am ready to get my feeding tube out (GOSH I HATE THAT THING!). I am ready to go off to college and move on with my life. I am ready. And this surgery is the step that is going to get me there.

I am going to be hospitalized starting Monday the 2nd, where I will be given pain meds, IV fluids, and some nutrition to get me strong enough for surgery. I am scheduled to have surgery on Thursday March 5th. We could use all the prayers that you can give within the next few weeks as I try my best to fight and beat MALS, and recover from surgery. I am praying that this surgery is the last of the pain I have to endure.


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